Preparing for NECAP testing in Math Classrooms
Fourth grader teachers used the DOE website to help students prepare to take the NECAP assessments next week. They downloaded the NECAP review sheets off the Department of Education Website and reserved data projectors to help display the problem sets to the class.
The PDF files were then printed as Windows Journal Write files, so they could be used on a Tablet PC's Journal Writer program. This allowed teachers to use a stylus to markup the documents using the tablet's stylus during a group problem solving process as they examined sample test items. The colorful pen and highlighter tools, projected on an oversized screen helped students stay engaged during the extended period. "We didn't even notice that snack time had come and gone"
This was the first time Tablets were used in the academic classrooms. Fourth grade teacher, Ms. Walters transitioned from her overhead transparencies to the tablet quite naturally. "with no stains on my clothes from the overhead markers" laughed Ms. Walters.